Aesthetic Solar

Aesthetic Solar Technology

Sunspeker Sunspeker

Solar panels are unsightly but necessary

Is it possible to balance the landscape protection (historical, architectural and natural) and the need for clean energy?

Aesthetic Solar Technology

Sunspeker's patented "See Beyond" technology allows to create a customizable aesthetic light-permeable adhesive to wrap solar panels. With "See Beyond" Sunspeker offers a new aesthetic experience in solar energy.

Sunspeker’s aesthetic sticker keeps the solar panel efficient beyond 80% of its potential, while offering greater protection from the elements.


Top in class aesthetic customization

More than* 80%

Solar Efficiency *operational capacity of covered solar panel

Fully recyclable product
Waste 0%

Circular Economy Ready

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Startup Acceleration/Investor
Startup Acceleration/Investor
Startup Acceleration/Investor
Startup Acceleration/Investor